Google Ads Case Study - SFMart

SFMart is committed to providing natural and high-quality food products that change the lives of their customers. They aim to make healthy, pure, nutrient-rich foods available and inspire better eating habits. Established by Season Food, Inc. in 2010, SFMart offers a wide range of organic products, including whole grains, beans, flours, sesame seeds, and teas. 

Bluetech IT Services partnered with SFMart to enhance its online presence and address challenges related to website traffic and sales. Our company offers internet marketing services, specializing in SEO, SMO, and PPC services. We work within modern frameworks to increase the growth of site traffic while assessing behavioral factors and daily monitoring.


Initial Challenges

SFMart faced several initial challenges, including low website traffic, high cost per click (CPC), and a poor conversion rate. These issues were impacting the effectiveness of their advertising efforts and hindering overall performance.

Specific Issues

More specifically, the campaign encountered difficulties with keyword optimization, poorly targeted ads, and low-quality scores. These factors contributed to suboptimal results, necessitating targeted strategies to address and overcome these issues


Targeted Ad Campaigns for Popular Products

We began by creating a dedicated ad campaign for SFMart’s popular products. This allowed us to focus on items with the highest potential for generating sales Before we began our work, SFMart had already set up some Google ads campaigns. However, these initial campaigns were not as effective as they could have been. The previous campaigns were broadly focused on general topics such as rice subscriptions and online grocery stores. They did not specifically target any individual product or category which led to suboptimal performance and limited results.

 Comprehensive Keyword Research

Utilizing the Google keyword planner, we conducted thorough keyword research. We aimed to identify keywords with low cost-per-click and high search volume.

We provided SFMart with a detailed list of these keywords, highlighting their potential for increased visibility and their low bid requirements. This strategy ensured that we targeted the most effective and efficient keywords. 

Optimized Ad Copies

After selecting the right keywords, we focused on crafting compelling and attractive headlines and descriptions for the ad campaigns and ad groups. We incorporated the selected keywords into ad copies to enhance visibility and appeal. This step was crucial in distinguishing SFMart’s ad from competitors and attracting potential customers.

This screenshot shows two ad groups- Black Rice and Brown Rice. For each ad group, we created and tested new ad copies in addition to the existing ones. The purpose was to conduct A/B testing to determine which ad variation performed better and to optimize for higher conversion.

This screenshot displays the two more ad groups— White Sweet Rice and Brown Sweet Rice. Similar to the previous ad groups, we added new ad copies for A/B testing. The goal was to refine the ad content further and enhance overall campaign performance based on the results.

For each campaign, we conducted A/B testing to analyze the performance of different ad copies. We carefully monitored and analyzed which versions resonated most with consumers. Based on these insights, we created new ad copies tailored to audience preference, continually optimizing for better results.

Demographic Targeting

To refine the campaign’s effectiveness, Bluetech implemented precise demographic targeting. This involved focusing on specific age groups, genders, and interests that aligned with SFMart’s ideal customer profile, ensuring the ads reached the most relevant audience segment.

Geographic Targeting

In addition, geographic targeting was employed to optimize ad performance. By concentrating efforts on regions with the highest potential for SFMart’s products, Bluetech aimed to increase local relevance and drive more qualified traffic to the website. This approach helped to enhance overall campaign efficiency and effectiveness.

Effective Budget Management

Initially, SFMart was running multiple ad groups (4-5) within a single campaign on a very limited budget, which was not an effective strategy. We addressed this by allocating proper budgets to each campaign. We ensured that each campaign had a sufficient budget to achieve its objective and created copies in alignment with these budgets. We also monitored the campaigns regularly and made adjustments as needed based on performance and situational changes.

To address SFMart’s main goal of increasing sales, Bluetech adopted a manual bidding strategy focused on maximizing conversions. This approach allowed for greater control over bidding and ensured that the budget was allocated effectively to drive sales. Additionally, we continuously monitored and adjusted the budget to optimize performance and achieve desired sales growth.

Ad Extensions

In each campaign, Bluetech utilized comprehensive ad extensions to enhance ad visibility and effectiveness. This included.

Callout Extensions

Highlighting key benefits and features of SFMart’s products to attract attention and encourage clicks.

Sitelink Extensions

Providing additional links to specific pages on the SFMart website, facilitating easier navigation and direct access to relevant content.

Structured Snippet Extensions

Showcasing Specific aspects of SFMart’s product offering, such as types and categories, to give users more detailed information and improve engagement.

 Strategy Implementation

Campaign Setup

Campaign Setup and Management: Before Bluetech's involvement, SFMart had existing campaigns that were not properly set up. Bluetech took over by creating two new campaigns each month, ensuring each was meticulously configured. This included the establishment of a well-structured ad group and careful budget management. These improvements were aimed at enhancing overall campaign performance and achieving more effective results.

Before Started

Additionally, the setup of these campaigns was not optimal they were not properly configured or tailored to achieve the best results.

But when we started the work, we developed a campaign with a focus on high-potential products, ensuring that ads were tailored to the interest of potential buyers. This included creating targeted ad campaigns for popular products, seasonal items, and special promotions.

When we started the work on the SFMart

We ensured that each campaign was properly configured, including accurate targeting, well-crafted ad copy, and strategic bidding. This comprehensive setup aimed to maximize the effectiveness of the campaigns and improve overall results.

As you can the difference between their setup and our setup. Unlike the previous campaigns, we avoided selecting the display networks option for search ads and carefully configured location settings. Our campaigns are consistently over 90% optimized, addressing all these elements to significantly enhance overall performance.

Monthly Campaigns and Ad Group Creation

Over a period of four months, we systematically created two new campaigns each month, each campaign included one ad group, ensuring a focused and organized approach.

While in the ad creation process, Bluetech focused on aligning keywords and products with targeted ad content. For each campaign and ad group, we generated well-crafted headlines and descriptions that were relevant and compelling. Additionally, we ensured that the display URLs were properly targeted to reflect the specific content and landing pages, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of each ad.

Regular Monitoring and Adjustments

Bluetech conducted regular monitoring of the campaign to ensure optimal performance and based on the evolving situations and performance insights, timely adjustments were made to refine strategies, optimize bids, and allocate budget effectively.

Improved Performance Metrics: Clicks, Impressions, and Click-Through Rates.
As a result of our comprehensive Google Ads strategy, SFMart experienced significant improvements across several key metrics.

 Performance Comparision


Before (January 2023 to March 4, 2024): Before our involvement, when SFMart was managing their campaigns, their performance metrics were as follows”

S.NO Campaign Name Clicks Impression Conversion Cost
1 PMax.Merchant Center 6268 1335099 224 4135
2 Organic Rice Subscription 1322 109825 8 838
3 McCabe Organic 432 12535 2 439

These figures represent the performance of SFMart’s campaign from January 2023 to March 2024, covering over a year with only these three campaigns and their corresponding results.


After (March 1, 2024, to July 24, 2024): Since we started managing their campaigns from March 5, 2024, we implemented multiple campaigns and optimized their ad strategy. The performance metrics during this period showed significant improvements.

Campaign Data Table
S.No Campaign Name Clicks Impression Conversion Cost
1 Black and Brown Rice 1521 82530 54 2875
2 White and Brown Rice 2341 108259 35 2017
3 Oat Groats and Tamalpais Barley 929 111829 8 1232
4 Korean pepper and Barley Tea 1057 138160 2 755
5 Haiga Mai Rice 202 3727 1 202
6 Coix Seed 39 2325 0 130

By creating a total of 6 targeted campaigns, we significantly improved SFMart’s performance. This approach led to increased conversions, higher click volumes, enhanced brand visibility, and a larger share of impressions. 

The performance metrics presented reflect results from just 4 months. If we continue with these effective strategies, we anticipate even better performance in the future.


10 Total Conversion


  100 Total Conversions


Comprehensive Analysis.

When comparing performance between last year and the 4 months we worked on SFMart.

Last Year

SFMart received only 10 conversions from search ads.

When Bluetech Started working on it

This year our targeted approach led to 100 conversions from search ads.

This substantial increase in conversions demonstrates the effectiveness of our new strategies and their significant impact on overall performance

Google Analytics Performance


As shown in the screenshot below from January 1, 2023, to March 1,  2024, SFMart created only 2 search ad campaigns, resulting in just 6 conversions.

After: As shown in the screenshot, from March 1, 2024, to July 1, 2024, we created 6 search ad campaigns for SFMart, achieving 25 conversions in 3 of these campaigns. These results are from just 4 months, and further work could have led to even better outcomes

The number of conversions in these 4 months is way higher than then the number of conversions in the last year.


Increased Conversions: our new strategy led to a substantial increase in conversions, with search ads generating 100 conversions in the first 5 Months of this year.

Enhanced Click Voulme: We significantly boosted the number of clicks across campaigns, demonstrating improved engagement and effectiveness.

Greater Brand Visibility: Our comprehensive approach, including proper campaign setup and precise targeting, improved overall performance and efficiency, with average metrics showing a notable increase.

Key Takeaways

One of the key takeaways from the campaign was the importance of strategic pacing. Instead of rushing, Bluetech focused on creating two well-planned campaigns per month. This approach allowed for better performance analysis and ensured that the budget was effectively spent. By not overwhelming the process and aligning the budget and bidding strategies with SFMart’s sales objectives, we utilized a Maximize conversion bidding strategy, which significantly benefited the campaign and improved overall performance. This careful approach resulted in a higher number of conversions compared to the previous campaign.

Google Ads Services

Google Ads Services
