Boosted UAE Search Results for Beauty Store in 120 Days

Project: Beautillicious

Target country



Enhance Google visibility to ensure the correct Beautillicious store appears.

Increased inbound links

We implemented strategic internal backlinks from highly authoritative pages to enhance both page and domain authority. Naturally acquiring quality backlinks from high-authority websites leads to a significant ranking surge, increased referral traffic, a broader audience, and, most importantly, a boost in sales!

Keywords Ranking Improvement

Ranked four competitive keywords in just 4 months.

Ranking: 1st position

Ranking: 4th position

Ranking: 6th position

Ranking: 7th position

 Domain Authority and Page Authority

Domain Authority
(DA) is a search engine ranking score that gives a measure of how successful a site is when it comes to search engine results.

We have also improved our Domain Authority.




No Cannibalization Error

Keyword cannibalization is an SEO problem that arises when multiple pages on a site compete for the same Google rankings. This can negatively impact our Google page ranking because when cannibalization occurs, search engines like Google struggle to determine which content to rank higher. As a result, Google may inadvertently prioritize a web page that wasn't intended to receive higher ranking

Google Search Console & Google Analytics

Google Analytics : Google Analyticsperformance report shows improvement in website users, session, engagement session of users etc.

Our input helps improve Google Search Results for websites. See below the search results,

Improved Google Search Analytics Result

  222.22%  New User

 676.92% Sessions

  545.45% Engagement Sessions

Google Search Console Insights: Boosting Clicks, Impressions, and CTR

   70% Total Clicks

128.21% Total Impressions

Keyword Rankings Improved by 20% in 120 Days


● Challenge from similar store name with different spelling

●  Enhance online presence

● Optimize on-page elements

● Conduct an SEO audit to improve performance on Google Search


 ●  Implement unique keywords and optimize for brand-specific search terms.

 ●  Identify relevant keywords for the website


In conclusion, our collaboration with Beautillicious has led to significant improvements in their online presence. We achieved a 100% increase in organic traffic and secured top 5 rankings for key keywords. Initially, we faced a challenge due to the store name's similarity to another store with a slightly different spelling. This caused confusion in search results, often displaying the other store instead of Beautillicious. Our primary goal was to enhance visibility in Google search results, ensuring the correct store is prominently displayed. These improvements reflect increased visibility, enhanced user engagement, and a stronger digital presence that resonates with Beautillicious's target audience.